The Club’s AGM was held on Monday night. The business of the meeting included the election of Directors and the consideration of some important changes to the Constitution. Elected at the meeting as Directors were:
Rob Cusack
Geoff Garland
Graeme Harrison
Belinda Lawn
Brett Papworth
Fred Spark
Ian Williams
Subsequently the Directors held a short meeting and elected Rob Cusack as Chairman and Brett Papworth as President
The Meeting approved also approved the changes to the Constitution:
In future years, members who previously have been ineligible to vote but who have held a membership for three consecutive years will now be eligible to vote
Directors will hold office for 2 years with half of the Board to retire each year
The Chairman congratulated our new Director Belinda Lawn and thanked retiring director Sam Manion for his valuable support. Our patron Rob Millner has again agreed to lend his support to the Club.